A little update on the personal side of things

Well I am still plugging away on the Security+ Training. I was going to try and write how it has been going and trying to update this blog everyday. Well this week was sort of a bust for me as I have been working with the Vocational, Rehabilitation and Employment counselors at the VA to work on my resume and work towards getting a job with in the IT community. I have been looking for a job as a Network or Systems Administrator. It has been interesting and very insightful for me in working with them. Does my resume need work? Yes it does, but I am working on it and getting it squared away and ready for the next application. Well I better get back at it. I have some stuff to update over on the other pages of the site. Stay tuned for some of the other projects that I have worked on while I was at school. I also like to just put a floor plan into the CISCO Packet Tracer program and layout a plan for a network and figure out where to put the switches, routers, and server for the network. Is it perfect no but hey I am trying things out. Oh! I have also been interested in programming. I did a YouTube search on programming and found a guy that I subscribed to and he provided information and links to so places where you can learn to code for free. I think I might have to create a separate page for programming or just add the projects to my projects page. not sure yet. I have not start the course yet. I just wanted to get signed up. I want to finish the certifications before I start the programming course.

I better get going now. I how you all have a great day
Dave Hannan

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