April 25th, 2022

Security+ Course update. I has been going great I am pushing through it and I am now on Topic 9 of the training course. I really like that I can go through the course work for free and all I have to do I watch the occasional Ad not bad if you ask me. If you are looking to get a certification I would definitely look at Alison.com (https://alison.com/ ). I am signed up for the A+ certification course too. which I will complete after the Security+ Course. Just a quick update on the certification work. Have a great day.

Well I finished it today I am very excited that I now have a CompTIA Security+ certification. I earned it from Alison.com it is an amazing site for getting certifications in just about anything you want. I have a few more I am working on and will be finishing them up as soon as I can. Woohoo! I am so excited I went and updated my resume already haha! ok that’s enough for today. Good night all.

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